Tuesday 2 June 2009

Editing our adverts

I think editing our advert was quite easy to be honest. When we started editing our adverts I thought I caught on quite quickly. I think the easier advert to edit was probably our Twilight one. I think this one was easy because we didn’t have to cut out much, however we did have a problem with our sound, it was too quiet, but I do think it sounds quite good with music underneath it.
Another problem we had was the colour, in one of the shots it looked slightly pinky, but the shots before that were a red-ish colour, however we did manage to sort this.
I think the snow white one was also quite easy to edit, we did have to cut a lot more out of this one though. we didn’t really have to change much either, the only problem was filming and also the font at the end, because it was white you couldn’t see it all that well so we had to move it.

Apart from that it was all goooodddddddddddd.

Shooting our adverts

While we was filming our advert we found it quite hard to find willing people to act for our “Snow White” advert. However when we did the actors kept bringing/calling over to their friends to come and be a prince, so we ended up with like five. Another problem I found whilst we were filming was people kept walking into our scenes, but apart from that I think it went ok, it could have been better though as I didn’t feel we was really prepared.

I thought out “Twilight” went a lot better, but we accidently erased the advert first time so we had to re record it. I think that the advert looked quite good, I think this was because it was filmed in the recording studio and therefore we could change things if we wanted to, whereas if we was outside you cant exactly stop people from walking into a shot etc.

All together I think the adverts looked ok..ish

I believe we could have done better though, no offence to the rest of the group :)

Tuesday 5 May 2009

Shooting And Editing.

When we filmed both adverts it was hard to find people willing to act. I was therefore the main part in both adverts. It was quite easy just acting to be honest. But having to do the same shots over and over again became tedious. 
Our Twilight advert was easier to film because it didn't involve alot of shots to be filmed and was minimalistic really. Though, the first week we filmed it and completed it, which was the better week, the next time filming got deleted and therefore had to be refilmed, which is now our ffinal outcome for our Twilight advert.
Our Snow White advert was very very hard to film for some reason. The first week we filmed it we got too many princes and therefore it didn't look very good in the outcome and had to be refilmed. The next week we filmed it and we thought all had gone well but then realised that one crucial part had not actually been caught on camera. So the NEXT week we had to film again and it FINALLY turned out right :):):)
Then when it came to editing I was ill so I wouldn't know.

Monday 23 March 2009

GHD advert

The GHD advert is shot in black and white to give the effect for a more serious advert, it has different camera shots and it uses panning which is a good shot to use to get lots of things in the same scene. The voice over is a woman just saying what people should not uses the GHD’s for, but its just also saying what these straighteners could do for you, ie, it could make you marry a rich old man.

Cadbury eyebrows dance

This advert has a range of different camera shots, to capture the affects of the people doing the eyebrow dance. The music played over goes well with the images as it flows well. At the beginning of the advert you straight away know its Cadburys as it says “A glass and a half full productions” which is a well known slogan for Cadburys adverts.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Peter Crouch T-mobile

The new T-mobile advert is mostly aimed at people who are with T-mobile or people thinking of changing their phone network to T-mobile. It may also appeal to people are the advert features football start Peter Crouch.

The use of mise-en-scene encourages the audience to watch this advert because Peter Crouch is in it. It may also encourage them to go to T-mobile because they will think that Peter Crouch supports them. The adverts also includes the famous robot dance move that Crouch did after scoring a goal.

The Natural Confectionery Company

The Natural Confectionery Company, which is advertising their juice snakes sweets, is a very simple advert which looks like it did not need a lot of effort into producing it. This advert focuses on the sweets the most, it uses a lot of close ups of them. It uses them as the adverts USP, as it makes them look irresistible. The use of mise-en-scene has only really focused on the sweets. It gives the effect that they are so important. The sound is only a voice over. It makes the sweets look as if they are speaking, this would attract the much younger generation, but also the older ones.